We can help you find a 2000 Yamaha in your price range.
The only way to be sure you're getting the best deal in Wa is to consult a comprehensive listing of the used motorcycles on the market.
Do you know the best way to find the used motorbike you really want?
Our proprietary used motorbike listing system is based on a database stuffed with up-to-the-minute market information.
That's because we have a special system of gathering and processing marketplace data to generate wonderful, comprehensive listings of motorbikes for sale in Albany, Broome, Derby, Coolgardie, Kalgoorlie and Kununurra and elsewhere.
They know what's really available in the area.
excellant condition, oil change every three rides, air filter cleaned every ride, minimal scratches, one month factory warranty remaining, selling due to no time to ride. Located in flinders VIC